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Many individuals and couples come into therapy with a similar relationship complaint: being married isn?t what they expected. More specifically, the reality of marriage is not aligned with their fantasies of marriage.
It?s nice to have fantasies. They give us goals, the drive to achieve, hope, desire, and more. However, when we expect that reality is going to match our fantasies, disappointment results when the picture we painted in our minds doesn?t come true. If our fantasies are unrealistic, even good, positively-functioning relationships can be experienced as bad, negative, and disappointing.
Jennifer and Todd (identities protected here) had been dating for three years and lived together for a year and a half before they got engaged. They were engaged for another year, and then were married. Two years after they were married, they entered couples therapy. Jennifer?s primary complaint was that marriage just wasn?t what she?d expected, and that nothing special happened after they got married. They went on with their daily lives, after getting married, and since they already were living together, nothing was really different.
Todd?s main complaint was that Jennifer didn?t do enough to make his life easier, as he imagined marriage would bring. Todd was more traditional in the idea that marriage meant that his wife would take care of household work, cooking, etc. Todd was becoming more and more frustrated as Jennifer ?nagged? him to help more, especially since Jennifer and Todd both work full time. In Todd?s fantasy, he was the one who would work while his wife would maintain the home.
It quickly became clear that an issue clouding their relationship was the fantasies they both had surrounding marriage. Regardless of their positively functioning relationship prior to being married, they?d both subconsciously expected that the marriage ceremony would create and carry a magical aura of happiness around them that would stay with them through their lives. There would be no negativity, and it would be exactly as they painted it in their minds.
These fantasies set the environment for disillusionment and disappointment. When negativity inevitably enters the picture, which may not have been part of the fantasy, the sense is that the relationship is failing. Something must be ?wrong? if the marriage isn?t meeting the fantasy at all times.
The reality is, relationships will have negativity at times. There may be mundane moments, and there may be times where you don?t want to be around each other at all. Part of any relationship (whether or not married) is learning to accept that things won?t always be exciting, positive, and romantic.
What keeps a relationship healthy is understanding that a relationship isn?t always positive, so the when negativity, or lack of positivity is present, that it doesn?t necessarily mean the wheels are coming off your relationship. In fact, it is very common for people to futilely jump from relationship to relationship (and marriage to marriage) trying to find the unrealistic fantasy whenever the reality starts to sway from it.
Now, this doesn?t mean that all relationships are good, or that a bad relationship automatically means you have an unrealistic fantasy. If you?re experiencing negativity more than positivity in your relationship, or if you?re overall unfulfilled in your relationship as a whole, then it?s something to look into, either with a therapist for yourself, or a couples therapist (it?s often helpful to be in both ? one for you and one for your relationship together). It?s important to be able to discern between a relationship that?s actually bad for you, versus a fantasy that?s bad for your relationship.
Through their work in couples therapy, Jennifer and Todd began to understand the internal issues that were plaguing their relationship (stemming from childhood and their relationship role models, and other influences). They also realized that their current relationship functions on a decent level, but both were disillusioned by the fact that the fantasy didn?t cone true when they got married.
Learning to except relationships as they are, and making relationships function according to our own efforts? isn?t as easy as it sounds. It?s ego-bruising to realize that we create fantasies in our lives that keep us from realistic happiness (not only in relationships). Some fantasies can come true, if they?re realistic, while others aren?t realistic (such as having a relationship free of all negativity and being exactly as fantasized).
Jennifer and Todd remain in couples therapy, now more accepting of each other and the positives?and negatives that surface at different times in their relationship. They are now working to create a realistic relationship dream that they can achieve together.
????Last reviewed: 29 Apr 2013
APA Reference
Anonymous. (2013). Coming to Grips With Marriage: ?This is It???. Psych Central. Retrieved on April 30, 2013, from
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Programmer John Graham-Cumming tells a fascinating story about what coding like was back in 1985. Unlike today's programmers who wear hoodies, down energy drinks and use a paper thin computer, programmers in 1985 had to code by hand... with actual paper.
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We heard that the curved OLED HDTV prototypes LG showed at CES would be coming soon, and now it's official. A Korean press release indicates we can expect the 55EA9800 to launch in the next month, with shipments starting in June. According to the specs, its 4.3mm depth results in a weight of just 17kg, probably thanks to a carbon-fiber reinforced frame. Like an IMAX theater screen, the edges are curved towards the viewer to provide a more immersive feeling. Given the fact that we're still waiting for LG's flat OLED TVs to see a wider release we doubt it will arrive on US shelves any time soon, but until then you can check out our in-person pics from CES below, and a video after the break.
Update: LG sent over the English press release, which confirms pre-orders start today at more than 1,400 retail locations with a price of 15 million Korean won ($13,500), a healthy bump over the standard version's $10K MSRP. Release dates and pricing for non-Korean markets are coming "in the months ahead," check after the break to read all the details first hand.
Filed under: Displays, Home Entertainment, HD, LG
Source: LG Korea
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By William Maclean and David Alexander
DUBAI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Washington is signaling its military commitment to its Gulf Arab allies at a time of unfamiliar strain in their decades old partnership.
Syria's civil war and Iran's nuclear program have led to tensions, with Gulf Arab states willing a more assertive U.S. response to bring Iran to heel and force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power. Growing U.S. energy independence has further complicated a relationship founded on oil and defense.
Some Gulf Arab oil states had even begun to wonder if the alliance was anything more than the "practical marriage of convenience for a finite period of time" that Henry Kissinger, in a 2007 interview, saw in Washington's ties to Saudi Arabia.
Washington is moving to dismiss such doubts, indicating its military partnership with the ruling dynasties who sit on a third of the world's conventional oil reserves will remain deep-rooted, even if trimmed by budget cuts at home.
"The United States isn't going anywhere. The United States is firmly committed to the security of all our regional partners," said a senior official accompanying U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in the Middle East last week. "We understand in a clear-eyed way what the threats are in the region."
Hagel began his week-long trip days after the Pentagon said it was finalizing a $10 billion arms deal that would strengthen the militaries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as that of Israel.
The agreement, more than a year in the making, would result in the sale of 25 F-16 Desert Falcon jets worth nearly $5 billion to the UAE. The UAE and Saudi Arabia also would be allowed to purchase weapons with so-called "stand-off" capabilities that enable them to engage the enemy with precision at a distance.
A few days before the trip, President Barack Obama welcomed to the White House Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of the UAE, the largest U.S. export market in the Middle East.
In a joint statement they reaffirmed a shared commitment to "close defense and security cooperation, including joint training exercises, counterterrorism cooperation and the deployment of interoperable U.S. defense systems".
The deal, and Sheikh Mohammed's warm U.S. welcome, are the latest in a series of signals Washington is sending to the region of its undimmed resolve to support the ruling families, partners in Washington's confrontation with Iran.
The West's energy watchdog, the International Energy Agency, says it expects a continued fall in U.S. oil imports, with North America becoming a net oil exporter by around 2030 and the United States becoming almost self-sufficient in energy by 2035.
Some Gulf Arabs worry that a United States self reliant in oil might show less commitment to safeguarding the Strait of Hormuz, the world's main energy artery through which 40 percent of the world's sea-borne oil exports pass.
Ensuring global energy security is likely to remain an important part of U.S. strategy, said a U.S. official based in the Middle East. While U.S. purchases of Gulf Arab oil may be declining, global dependence is increasing. This fact engages American support, he said.
"Since the health of the U.S. economy is closely tied to the world's, there's every reason for Washington to help protect its allies here," said Les Janka, a former White House and Pentagon official who now heads a business consultancy in Riyadh.
When General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs, told the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank on March 18 that he hoped America would achieve energy independence, he added: "But I can assure you that at least from a military perspective . . . you will find that the future will be a period of greater commitment."
Pressed to elaborate by UAE envoy Yousef Al Otaiba, Dempsey replied that that commitment should not be measured in terms of carrier battle groups but in terms of improved collaboration.
"We just have to figure out how to help you do more, so that we can do less, but that doesn't mean less well."
Energy is far from the only concern. A U.S. pivot to Asia, perceptions of U.S. economic decline and U.S. military withdrawals, first from Iraq and now from Afghanistan, have blurred Gulf Arabs' security landscape.
Fear of Arab Spring contagion, too, means that Gulf Arab authorities see future threats coming as much from internal sources as from the external ones that were the original premise for Western military support.
Shashank Joshi of Britain's Royal United Services Institution said Gulf Arab officials appeared acutely aware the internal threat they now faced "doesn't quite yoke the Americans in the same way" the external threats once did.
On Syria, Iran and Bahrain, arenas for a region-wide tussle for influence between Sunni and Shi'te powers, Washington's preference for dialogue appears weak to some Gulf Arabs.
In Bahrain, home of the U.S. Fifth Fleet and an important Western ally in keeping Hormuz open, a simmering revolt by its Shi'ite Muslim majority has prompted calls by some in Washington for U.S. ships to base elsewhere.
Echoing the view of many Western analysts, Dubai-based Robert Jordan, a former U.S. ambassador to Riyadh, said he was concerned about the message - "we're here today and gone tomorrow" - that a pullout would send. "Perception becomes reality in this part of the world," he said.
Gulf rulers are acutely aware they depend for their security on people who live thousands of miles away, who do not share their religion or lifestyle, and above all who sympathize with the democratic impulse at the origin of the Arab revolts.
In December a summit of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council announced plans to set up a unified military command to tighten defense cooperation.
GCC states are increasingly well-armed. Defense spending by GCC states rose about 9 percent to $74 billion last year, estimated Nicole Loeser, Middle East analyst at Forecast International. She predicts it will hit $86 billion in 2017.
Yet Gulf Arab states have faced a host of obstacles to military integration, including a lack of common equipment and their own reliance on bilateral accords with their U.S. ally.
Abdulkhaleq Abdullah, a political scientist in the United Arab Emirates, said confidence in America had dropped because of disagreements with Washington over Syria and dismay over its security failures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But America remained indispensable. "We live in a very dangerous region, so ... our ties with America remain strong".
(Additional reporting by Phil Stewart in Washington and Mahmoud Habboush in Dubai; editing by Janet McBride)
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Scientists have long observed that species seem to have become increasingly capable of evolving in response to changes in the environment. But computer science researchers now say that the popular explanation of competition to survive in nature may not actually be necessary for evolvability to increase.
In a paper published this week in PLOS ONE, the researchers report that evolvability can increase over generations regardless of whether species are competing for food, habitat or other factors.
Using a simulated model they designed to mimic how organisms evolve, the researchers saw increasing evolvability even without competitive pressure.
"The explanation is that evolvable organisms separate themselves naturally from less evolvable organisms over time simply by becoming increasingly diverse," said Kenneth O. Stanley, an associate professor at the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. He co-wrote the paper about the study along with lead author Joel Lehman, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin.
The finding could have implications for the origins of evolvability in many species.
"When new species appear in the future, they are most likely descendants of those that were evolvable in the past," Lehman said. "The result is that evolvable species accumulate over time even without selective pressure."
During the simulations, the team's simulated organisms became more evolvable without any pressure from other organisms out-competing them. The simulations were based on a conceptual algorithm.
"The algorithms used for the simulations are abstractly based on how organisms are evolved, but not on any particular real-life organism," explained Lehman.
The team's hypothesis is unique and is in contrast to most popular theories for why evolvability increases.
"An important implication of this result is that traditional selective and adaptive explanations for phenomena such as increasing evolvability deserve more scrutiny and may turn out unnecessary in some cases," Stanley said.
Stanley is an associate professor at UCF. He has a bachelor's of science in engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and a doctorate in computer science from the University of Texas at Austin. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals. He has over 70 publications in competitive venues and has secured grants worth more than $1 million. His works in artificial intelligence and evolutionary computation have been cited more than 4,000 times.
Lehman has a bachelor's degree in computer science from Ohio State University and a Ph.D. in computer science from UCF. He continues his research at the University of Texas at Austin and is teaching an undergraduate course in artificial intelligence.
University of Central Florida:
Thanks to University of Central Florida for this article.
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CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt said on Monday it was withdrawing from a second week of Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) talks in Geneva in protest at what it called the failure to implement a 1995 resolution for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons.
That was an implicit reference to Israel which neither confirms nor denies having nuclear arms and is not a signatory to the NPT. Arab states and Iran say Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal poses a threat to Middle East peace and security.
Cairo said it was pulling out of the talks "to send a strong message of???? ????non-acceptance of the continued lack of seriousness in dealing with the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East".
"We cannot continue waiting forever for the implementation of this resolution," Egypt's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency MENA. Cairo called on member states and international bodies "to bear responsibility for implementing legitimate international resolutions."
U.S. and Israeli officials have said a nuclear arms-free zone in the Middle East could not be a reality until there was broad Arab-Israeli peace and Iran curbed its nuclear program, which Tehran says is for peaceful energy and research purposes.
The two-week meeting in Geneva is to review progress in implementing the 1970 NPT, a treaty designed to prevent the spread of nuclear arms in the world.
In a speech on the first day of the NPT conference on April 22, former Egyptian Ambassador to Geneva Hisham Badr said "Egypt and many Arab countries have joined the NPT with the understanding that this would lead to a Middle East completely free of nuclear weapons.
"However, more than 30 years later, one country in the Middle East, namely Israel, remains outside the NPT," he said.
(Reporting by Shaimaa Fayed in Cairo and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva; Editing by Jon Hemming)
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Apr. 25, 2013 ? Researchers have been able to improve the efficiency of solar cells by coating the cell surface with extremely small nanoscale structures. The new technology has been shown to nearly eliminate the reflection losses of solar radiation. Cost-effective solar photovoltaic materials are being developed within the Academy of Finland's research programme Photonics and Modern Imaging Techniques.
The nanostructured black silicon coating features very low reflectivity, meaning that a larger portion of the Sun's radiation can be exploited. At Aalto University, a research team led by Assistant Professor Hele Savin is conducting studies on crystalline silicon solar cells, which are the main type of solar cells that are currently on the market.
"The advantages of silicon include the long-term stability, sufficiency, low cost and non-toxicity of the element, as well as the advanced production technology. Another benefit of these solar cells is their relatively high efficiency and technological compatibility with the manufacturing technologies currently used by the semiconductor industry," Savin explains. The technology, however, still calls for development and improvement.
According to Savin, the researchers are motivated in their work by the fact that the manufacturing technology players are major corporations in the industry, which allows for immediate large-scale experimenting of new ideas and improvement methods in collaboration with the partner corporations.
Promising techniques in the test bench
The efficient operation of solar cells may be compromised by impurities in silicon. In solar cells, it is not possible to use as pure a form of silicon as in, for example, microelectronics, and thus they exhibit a higher degree of impurities. Moreover, the solar cell utilises the silicon disk in its entirety, whereas transistors, for example, are located on the surface of the silicon disk, and accordingly, impurities cannot be controlled in solar cells by means of the same methods as those used in microelectronics.
One goal of the research led by Savin is to find ways to produce equally efficient solar cells using the less expensive but impure silicon rather than the more expensive purified silica. "We've already succeeded rather well in this respect. Certain promising techniques are currently being tested in production by a leading European solar cell manufacturer."
Another new research topic involves the so-called light-induced degradation of silicon solar cells. Light degradation is a harmful effect that reduces the solar cell efficiency by several percentage units during the first 24 hours of use, after which the situation becomes stabilised. The aim is to gain an understanding about the phenomenon itself and its causes. Understanding the phenomenon will contribute to the development of methods to minimise the harmful degradation and, possibly, to eliminate it completely. Hele Savin has been granted major funding for this research by the European Research Council (ERC).
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By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - Prime Minister-designate Enrico Letta saw "improving" chances of success as he began negotiations on Thursday to form a new government and end a nearly two-month-old stalemate in the euro zone's third-largest economy.
The 46-year-old deputy head of the badly fractured center-left Democratic Party (PD), was the President Giorgio Napolitano's surprise choice to head a broad-based coalition.
"He told us that as the hours pass, he feels things are improving, whereas at the start he felt desperate," said Massimo Bitonci, an opposition lawmaker who held talks with him.
Markets have reacted favorably to the prospect of an end to the political deadlock, with bond yields and the spread with comparable 10-year German bonds falling.
Letta is viewed as a politician capable of governing by consensus. An opinion poll for Italian state television said he would enter office with a 43 percent approval rating.
The government will include the PD's traditional rivals, Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom party (PDL), as well as caretaker Prime Minister Mario Monti's centrist group, both of which have said they will support the government.
Letta is a moderate who speaks fluent English and at 46 would be one of Italy's youngest prime ministers, representing a generational change from the era of Berlusconi and Monti.
Berlusconi told an Italian television station it did not matter who headed the government as long as it enacted reforms.
"The important thing is that there is a government and that there is a parliament that can approve measures that we absolutely need to emerge from the crisis of recession and get back on the path of growth," he said.
Letta began the consultations at parliament early on Thursday morning with smaller groupings, including the Left Ecology and Freedom party, which reiterated that it would remain in opposition.
The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, the largest group in the lower house Chamber of Deputies, has also said it would sit in the opposition, but would support specific reforms.
The Northern League, a former ally of Berlusconi's PDL, also reiterated that it would not join the government but said it would cooperate on some reforms.
Thursday was expected to be dedicated to horse-trading over about 18 ministerial posts in the new government, expected to be made up of technocrats and politicians.
The economy ministry could go either to Fabrizio Saccomanni, the Bank of Italy's director general, or Carlo Padoan, chief economist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to Italian media.
Angelino Alfano, the secretary of the PDL, has been tipped by some to become deputy prime minister, a choice that would placate Berlusconi but upset some on the left of the PD .
The industry and labor ministries could go to politicians and the foreign affairs portfolio to Monti or former Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema of the PD, local media speculated.
The PDL is pushing hard for a much-hated tax on primary residences to be abolished, which was a key plank in their campaign ahead of the inconclusive February elections, which gave the PD a majority in the lower house but not in the Senate.
Letta hopes to form the government before markets open on Monday and seek confidence votes from both houses of parliament early next week.
The PDL and PD had previously failed to reach a deal but Napolitano twisted their arms on Saturday when he was re-elected to an unprecedented second term and threatened to resign unless parties tried to find common ground to pull Italy out of its political rut and work on institutional reforms.
Rivalries between the parties as well as rifts within the PD, which fell short of a viable parliamentary majority in February's vote, could still block an accord. But formation of a government after such a long impasse would signal that Italy is finally ready to make a start on much-needed reforms.
Accepting his mandate on Wednesday, Letta said Italy faced an untenable situation and the government must provide answers on jobs, poverty and the crisis facing small businesses in a recession that now matches the longest since World War II.
He also said European Union economic policies had been too focused on austerity, rather than growth.
(Additional reporting by Stephen Jewkes, Stefano Bernabei and Francesca Piscioneri; Editing by Alistair Lyon, Janet McBride)
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Bombers' Times Square plan was hatched spontaneously, the FBI told New York officials, based on its interrogation of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
By Ron Scherer,?Staff writer / April 25, 2013
New York Police Department cars park in Times Square in New York, Thursday. The alleged Boston Marathon bombers planned a second bomb attack on New York's Times Square, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
Brendan McDermid/Reuters
EnlargeAfter carjacking an SUV in Boston, the alleged Marathon bombers came up with a spontaneous plan ? go to New York City?s Times Square and set off more bombs, city officials announced Thursday.
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At an afternoon press conference, New York?s Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the FBI told them that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, as part of his 16-hour FBI interrogation, identified New York as ?next on their list of targets.?
Police Commissioner Kelly said that initially, in the first interrogation that stretched from Saturday night into Sunday morning, Mr. Tsarnaev told investigators that he and his older brother, Tamerlan, planned to go to New York to ?party.?
But in the second interrogation, which stretched from Sunday night into Monday morning, Kelly said, Tsarnaev was more ?lucid,? saying the actual plan was to drive to New York in the SUV and detonate their remaining bombs. According to Kelly, they had one pressure cooker bomb and five pipe bombs.
?We know they had the capacity to carry out the attacks,? Mr. Bloomberg said.
If the brothers had arrived in Times Square on a Saturday night at 2 or 3 a.m., Kelly says there would have been a significant number of people in the popular tourist spot.
Would more people have been killed or hurt?
?I would not want to guess,? Kelly replied. ?You saw the power of the bombs in Boston, and you can only guess the damage in New York.?
But if the brothers had arrived in Times Square they would have found a large police presence, Bloomberg said. They probably would not have noticed all the cameras the city has erected in the area in an effort to head off crime. Some of the cameras are designed to quickly identify packages left on the ground, for example.
However, according to the FBI investigators, before the Tsarnaevs could head to New York, they discovered that the Mercedes SUV they had carjacked needed fuel. They stopped at a gas station, and the owner of the vehicle sprinted away and was able to alert police, who quickly found the vehicle. A chase and firefight ensued, and Tamerlan was killed and Dzokhar eventually captured.
The interrogation of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev took place under the Public Security Exception that allowed the FBI to question him before his Miranda rights ? the right to remain silent ? were read to him on Monday by a federal magistrate judge. Whether the information in the two FBI interrogations can be used in court is arguable.
After the bombings in Boston, New York was quick to expand the police presence in areas with a lot of foot traffic such as Grand Central Station, Penn Station, and, of course, Times Square.
Times Square is where Faisal Shahad tried to set off a bomb in his car on May 1, 2010. Street vendors called the police when they saw smoke coming out of the trunk of the vehicle, and the bomb never went off.
According to Kelly, Dzhokhar visited Times Square with friends in April and November of 2012. ?Kelly said the NYPD has a copy of a photograph taken of Dzhokhar and his friends in Times Square and that police have been able to identify some of his friends and are working to identify the others.
?We don?t know if those visits were related to the brothers? decision to spontaneously target Times Square,? said Kelly, who added that the NYPD is trying to determine Dzhokhar?s movements when he was in New York City.
At their press conference, Bloomberg and Kelly emphasized that the NYPD was not in the room during the interrogation so they only had limited information. However, Bloomberg said the city always takes bomb threat information seriously.
?The fact is New York City remains a prime target for those who hate Americans and want to kill Americans,? said Bloomberg.
That is one of the reasons why New York has over 1,000 police officers in its anti-terrorism unit. Since 9/11 the city has stopped over a dozen planned attacks.
?We will do all we can to keep everyone in the city safe,? he said. ?Is it safe to go out tonight?? he asked, answering, ?Yes.?
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Facebook is the best and the most popular social media program today. You can do a lot of things in Facebook especially with regards to health and fitness. You can connect with your friends, post pictures and videos, play games, like some posts, create Facebook pages and groups.
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Twitter is like the mobile texting of all social media. Why? Because Twitter is a fast-paced interaction, just like texting. You can use Twitter in many ways just like Facebook and any other social networking platforms.
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Pinterest is relatively a new social media platforms that was introduced a few years back. This program is simple, it is based on pictures and images, which is basically a database or photo sharing platform.
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How can Pinterest help you lose weight? First off, like Twitter and Facebook, you also select the people you connect to or follow. In short, you need to follow people which has interests on health and fitness. Their photos on their dashboards are all related to weight loss, so it would likely help you lose weight. You may follow mine here.
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To be able to use Instagram, you need to use your smartphone and install the app for free. You need to follow people to be able to have followers, just like Twitter. The program lets you take photographs of anything you like, then share it automatically with your network of friends.
Once you established connection on people with similar interests in health, you will be able to see their daily photos regularly. These photos could be their usual dieting routines, workout programs and many others. Instagram is completely helpful especially if you want to follow someone else weight loss strategy or vice versa.
Do I need further introduction for this highly successful Google program? YouTube is the most popular and the best platform when it comes to video sharing. While not your typical social media darling, YouTube is the king when it comes to numbers of visitors. You can literally find any of your favorite shows on YouTube, even those hard to find videos.
So how can a video sharing site help you lose weight? As I have said earlier, you can find almost everything in YouTube. This means that you can essentially get endless ideas on how to lose weight via informative videos such as cooking lessons, healthy recipes, workout sessions, weight loss tips, success stories, weight loss products, and many others. Do I need to elaborate more?
Now you know that your very own social media profiles can be used to help you lose weight. If you can use social media in the right way, it will surely be a big motivator to help you lose weight and keep it off for good! So the next time you look for new ways to acquire knowledge with regards to health and fitness, turn your attention to your social media profiles.
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The hacking of the Associated Press Twitter account this week underscored the need for news media to protect themselves against future attacks.
Hackers sent out a false tweet on the AP feed Tuesday reporting that the White House had been bombed ? causing a temporary $200 billion drop in US stock markets. The CBS flagship news magazine shows, ?60 Minutes? and ?48 Hours,? also had their Twitter accounts hacked.
For news organizations whose reputations are built on credibility, the concern is real ? particularly as social media feeds become an increasingly integral part of the news media's overall strategy.
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?The media are really rushing to brainstorm about what they need to do to not only make sure that this doesn?t happen again, but to reassure the public that they are reputable and trustworthy,? says Peter LaMott of Levick, a consulting firm for media. ?What is more concerning about this AP episode is that it went right at the heart of what the company is all about ? its reputation for accuracy.?
The number of such episodes have been on the rise in recent years, he says, noting that both Burger King and Jeep were the victims of hacking pranks. In the AP's case, the Syrian Electronic Army ? known to support President Bashar al-Assad ? claimed responsibility for the hack.
Both the social media industry and news outlets are taking steps to try to head off future hacks.
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For example, Twitter is moving toward a two-step authentication process as a way to improve security, according to Wired. Anytime a user tweets from a new device, the user would need to input a random code messaged to their cellphone. Google and Facebook already use such a two-step process.
Meanwhile, major news outlets including The New York Times and Bloomberg News are also approaching the problem from a different direction. They are employing services such as Storyful that quickly verify whether social media posts from other organizations or random users are accurate.
More broadly, newsrooms nationwide are urging reporters to strengthen passwords, to change them more often, and to be more aware of how hackers work.
AP reporter Mike Baker told his Twitter followers that he was a victim of phishing, a tactic in which hackers parading as legitimate entities send e-mails that ask for sensitive information, such as passwords or account numbers.
AP responded to the attack by shutting off all its Twitter accounts until all passwords were checked, which was the right thing to do, says Mr. LaMott. But the damage was done.
The agency has won back many of the Twitter followers it lost, ?but still the brand name is tarnished,? says Ari Zoldan, CEO of Quantum Networks, which specializes in next-generation communication devices. "Fortunately, there are lots of off-the-shelf and easy-to-use systems already out there that people just don?t know about yet.?
One firm,, sells password-generating software that takes the onus off of individuals to create and remember an array of names or dates. The firm?s research shows that the average American has 50 passwords. Hackers know the conventional processes by which users create them ? birth dates or relatives' or children?s names ? and have designed algorithms to identify them.
?Companies will be sinking millions into this because their very reputations are at stake,? says Mr. Zoldan.
Some analysts say the AP episode underlines the new, dangerously interlinked world, and they urge caution.
?No matter how much encryption software becomes available, it will never be 100 percent effective,? says Mark Tatge, a professor of communication at DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind. He thinks companies should stop relying so heavily on cloud technologies that store massive amounts of sensitive data.
"We?re putting terabytes and terabytes and terabytes of data where it can be conveniently used from many locations ? and that?s the attraction,? he says. ?It?s cheap and efficient ? but companies have to learn to not put so much information in there if they are going to be devastated when someone gets ahold of it.?
? Staff writer Gloria Goodale contributed to this report.
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Word that Verizon would like to buy out Vodafone's 45 percent share of Verizon Wireless is hardly new, but Reuters reports it may finally be financially ready to take that step. According to unnamed sources, it's hired bank and legal advisers to prepare the bid, raising $50 billion in bank financing plus $50 billion in its own shares. Friendly discussions are said to start "soon", but if Vodafone is not interested it could take its bid public. It's probably no coincidence that the news is leaking just before Verizon's board meets to discuss a buyout before its regular shareholders meeting, but there are some potential complications. One holdup has been a potential hefty tax bill, but the Verizon CFO has been quoted saying he thinks that can be avoided, giving it more flexibility based on the cash generated by the wireless business.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Verizon
Source: Reuters
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