Monday, January 21, 2013

Taliban attack Kabul police facility for hours

An Afghan security officer looks at smoke rising from a rocket fired by militants which landed near the Kabul traffic police headquarters during an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gun battle was still raging nearly four hours later. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

An Afghan security officer looks at smoke rising from a rocket fired by militants which landed near the Kabul traffic police headquarters during an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gun battle was still raging nearly four hours later. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

An Afghan security officer runs across the roof of the Kabul traffic police headquarters as it is attacked by insurgents in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gun battle was still raging nearly four hours later. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

Afghan security forces run on the roof of the Kabul traffic police headquarters as it is attacked by insurgents in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gun battle was still raging nearly four hours later. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

Afghan security forces, center, take position atop of the building of the Kabul traffic police headquarters during insurgents' attack, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Taliban insurgents wearing suicide vests attacked the headquarters before dawn Monday, police said, and eyewitnesses heard numerous explosions while a gun battle was still raging nearly four hours later. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

(AP) ? Taliban suicide bombers blew up a car and stormed Kabul traffic police headquarters before dawn Monday, setting off a gunbattle that raged for six hours and left at least 10 people wounded, police said.

It was the second brazen raid inside the Afghan capital in less than a week, a sign that the insurgency is determined to keep carrying out such spectacular attacks even as the U.S. and Afghan governments try to entice the Taliban into holding peace talks.

The raid started just before dawn when a suicide car bomber blew up his vehicle at the gate of the traffic police department building, close to the Afghan parliament and the Kabul zoo, said the city's police chief, Mohammad Ayub Salangi.

Then, another two or three attackers "armed with suicide vests and heavy and light weapons entered the compound," said a statement from Salangi's office.

According to the statement, six of the 10 wounded were civilians and four were members of the security services. There were no immediate reports of any fatalities among the security forces. At least two of the attackers were killed by police.

Shooting could still be heard outside the compound shortly before noon, but the announcement insisted the situation was under control and that the insurgents were surrounded.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack and said the target of the insurgents was a police training facility "run by foreign military forces."

The traffic police headquarters is located on a square leading to the parliament and next to the zoo. It is also adjacent to the Afghan border police headquarters. The facility, usually teeming with civilians seeking to get drivers licenses and registrations for vehicles, was nearly empty at the time of the attack.

Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said the assault began with a suicide car bombing. Two insurgents, he said, were then shot and killed by Afghan forces while four police commandos were wounded.

Sediqi said Afghan forces were carrying out the operation without any assistance from NATO.

"This shows the ability of the Afghan forces, that they are leading the operation, "he said.

A unit of NATO special forces that trains and mentors Afghan police was at the scene but not taking part in the operation.

Merchant Gul Rahman, who owns a nearby shop, said he heard at least two explosions when the attack began, just before dawn. An Associated Press reporter at the scene said a number of big explosions were heard from inside and around the building, along with heavy gunfire.

Police officer Abdullah Hamidi said two of the explosions were caused by a man in a suicide vest and another by a car bomb.

It was the second insurgent attack inside Kabul in five days.

Last Wednesday, six Taliban suicide bombers attacked the gates of the Afghan intelligence agency in downtown Kabul, killing one guard and wounding dozens. Security forces killed all the attackers. The insurgents carried out the attack by driving a minivan loaded with explosives into a gate of the intelligence agency compound in the capital at noon. The other five attackers wearing suicide vests were in a second minivan that was also loaded with explosives. They were shot and killed and security forces later defused the bomb in their minivan.

The attacks came as the Afghan government has been pushing to get the Taliban to the negotiating table and as President Hamid Karzai and the U.S. negotiate for a quicker pullout of American forces. President Barack Obama said after meeting Karzai in Washington earlier this month that the U.S.-led military coalition would hand over the lead for security around the country to Afghan forces this spring ? months ahead of schedule.

Obama also said he agreed with Karzai that the Taliban should open a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar to facilitate peace talks.

Pakistan, the other regional powerbroker, also said earlier in the week that it plans to release more Afghan militant detainees in an attempt to boost the peace process ahead of the departure of international troops at the end of 2014. They made the announcement after meeting with Afghan and American officials in Abu Dhabi. Pakistan is thought to hold more than 100 Taliban prisoners and has so far released 26.

In general, Kabul has pressed hard for Pakistan to release its detainees, with some officials saying that they hope the released Taliban can serve as intermediaries. But Washington is concerned about specific prisoners who they consider dangerous and could return to the insurgency.


Associated Press writers Heidi Vogt and Patrick Quinn contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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